Getting a fit (sick) note

Find out how to request a sickness certificate

Fit notes are issued to patients by doctors following an assessment of their fitness for work. A fit note is issued after the first seven days of sickness absence (when patients can self-certify) if the doctor assesses that the patient’s health affects their fitness for work. 

Many employers have their own self-certification forms. If your employer doesn’t have their own form, instead they may use an SC2 form from HM Revenue & Customs Employee’s Statement of Sickness. 

Complete the HMRC self certifcation form online

The doctor can decide the patient is ‘unfit for work’ or ‘may be fit for work subject to the following advice…’ with accompanying notes on suggested adjustments or adaptations to the job role or workplace.  

Sickness of more than seven days 

If you are sick and off work for more than seven days, your employer will normally ask you to provide a medical certificate from your GP. 

Please contact the Practice to book an appointment with a GP to arrange this. 

Further information

  • Medicolegally we are unable to post date fit note requests. GPs can provide backdated certification following a request if suitably indicated.  
  • Fit note requests for children are not suitable, however we can provide a medical summary or an appoinment card upon request.  
  • Fit notes are also referred as doctor’s notes, sick notes or medical certificates. 
  • If you have not seen a GP or nurse at the practice and we have no external information from another health professional/organisation regarding your illness, we may not be able to provide a certificate. Please complete an electronic consultation request (Patches) which will be reviewed by a GP.  
  • If you are under the care of a hospital specialist or recently been admitted, your certificate may be issued directly by the hospital. 

Requesting a repeat sick note:

If you have previously been issued a sick note and would like to request another, you do not need an appointment with a GP. Please send a request via PATCHs and state the length of time you would like it issued for and your reason.

A member of our team will then be in contact.